2019年6月4日 星期二

ftps.space released!

  I started doing web site development some time ago.

  After fiddled with Flask, nginx, javascript, html, css, websocket, etc, etc... I have finished a site https://ftps.space that can transfer files between 2 Chrome browsers no matter whether they are on an Android device or desktop PC. It's a small and useful tool.

  If you read this, give it a try. Any suggestions are welcome.

  OKay~ So, why I build this site? There are times when you want to send some 'BIG' files to someone, but, it's too big to send through email, or you're in area where dropbox or google drive are forbidden, or you are reluctant (or too lazy) to setup a local ftp server just to transfer some files... I think a service that provide some one-time only channel to transfer files would be useful, a pure web app would be easy to use, thus FTPS was developed. Currently only chrome support the functions ftps required to run. It's a pity. But at least your android device can use it too. So, only between PCs, you can use it to transfer between Android and PC as well.

2019年3月10日 星期日

py-scm released!

Good news! I've completed porting my scm lib to python. project home
You can use pip to install it.
   pip install py-scm
    pip3 install py-scm

Since python is dynamic, I think I should be able to make actions like register slots automatically or more easily.  Well, until next time I find some time to enhance it. bye.

ftps.space released!

  I started doing web site development some time ago.   After fiddled with Flask, nginx, javascript, html, css, websocket, etc, etc... I h...